Saturday, April 9, 2011


We've arrived. And a wee bit late. Bran's got her face buried in her Element Encyclopedia thing she found.

I'm looking up Crow and Raven and Owl stuff. Don't bug me.

We're just kind of chilling.

Skyler looks very worn out.

I am. I'll tell you later. It's a long story.

...If there's anything in that book about Crows and Ravens being a couple or whatever, I am going to THROW a CHAIR. >:C

Ahahahaha! No. There isn't. I've got what I need for now anyways.
And hello, Omega!


Food time?

They made lunch for us. I has a happy. <3

I guess we're going to chill here and help set up and stuff. If stuff needs setting up. I don't know.

And also hope no unwanted faces show up.

Yeah. That'd be nice.

P.S. Elizabeth is in trouble, I think. It sounds like her friend Logan is being Hallowed. And maybe He or It is trying to speak through Elizabeth. I don't know. Can someone take a look at this?


  1. Food! Cool encyclopedia! Skyler! Woo, sounds like a good day for ya'll!

  2. The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures. Got it for Christmas a year or two ago. It's pretty handy!

    Granted, I also can't trust everything in it due mainly to the fact that the ENTIRE entry on werewolves and lycanthropy uses the word vulpine.


    That's for foxes. What they want is 'lupine'.

    There's a few other instances of conflicting data and several typos. Someone didn't do their research. And another person apparently didn't do their editing job.

    ~ Branwen

  3. Epic fail, writer of the Encyclopedia. Epic. Fail.

  4. ...good day for us all? A Good day? Please tell me you didn't seriously say that.... please....
