Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Okay...I now know a fraction of Zeke's pain. And have come to the conclusion that Slenderman hanging around outside of MY house is not good.

It hurts to speak. I'm drinking Airborne and making tea to try to alleviate the pain.

Thank whatever deity was responsible for getting school closed today. I slept for about two hours. I spent until about 6:00 just laying in my bed trying to mentally defend myself from Him.

During the time I WAS asleep, I was running around in a nightmare. The bad ones. They're back.

It wasn't a forest though. It looked more like...Pripyat. Just this abandoned, decomposing city. I was walking around, looking at everything crumbling around me. And then I smelled something. It smelled like death. I don't know if it was this or the sudden feeling of being watched, but I started running. And I saw them, their shadows. Following me. These people in masks were chasing me. I thought I was outrunning them, but in reality they were corralling me into a corner. I realized this too late as they were closing in. I turned around...and there He was. A tentacle wrapped around my mouth. I tried to scream.

And then I woke up.

When I heard somebody else awake in the house, I decided it was safe to get out of bed. Both schools had been closed. My throat hurt. I drank some Airborne, and then went back to bed to try and get more sleep.

And now I'm here. I'm tired, I'm sick, I'm annoyed, and I'm scared. I can't lie. I don't think he has any problem with getting close to the house. I think he's trying to give me a false sense of security.

I don't fear the "ghosts" anymore. Because I know that's not what's really waiting for me in the dark. I know you're there now. You did it, Slenderman. I'm scared. But I'm also angry. And I won't let you control me like you do Seth.

Edit: I almost forgot. I have some more stuff to catch up on it seems. Ava's blog, for one. And apparently Robert is still in action. I missed all of that.


  1. Sorry to hear about your Nightmares.

  2. Jeez, those nightmares sound like hell. Get well soon~

  3. Thanks guys. <3 it's hard to speak and I'm really drowsy from medicine.
