Friday, February 4, 2011


I was going to complain about my day, but I realized that's not important. We have more pressing matters. and besides, it can pretty much be summed up by this anyways: Sneaky Hate Spiral

You don't even need to read that. Just the link can tell it all.

I'm making this quick. Mom's taking me out to eat because my day sucked. And this way I can think about how I'm going to organize things in a later post...
That looks like that's all I'm about lately, huh? I'm analytical all the time. I just don't show it.

Important things.

If you can read this. I haven't known you long, but you're a friend in this. And as I saw somebody else say, we're all one big dysfunctional  family.
Don't give up.
You're strong. Even if you might not think so.
Break it. Smash the illusion to pieces.
You can do it. Fight.

You're more than likely just busy being on the run and/or figuring things out. But all the same. Please be okay.

You're surrounded by proxies. Be extremely careful. Watch your back. Don't let your guard down.

I have updates to the list and I need to send it to Mr. Sagel. And some other things you'd probably like to know.

I'll only be gone for a couple hours, but based on what happened in the amount of time it took to take a shower and make some hot chocolate, I'm reasonably nervous about leaving this post.
All of you out there, please be careful.

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